Soi Park
Week 6
Oct 14, 2024 - Oct 20, 2024
On Monday, our team finally got a chance to shoot our live action scenes in LED Volume stage!

​It was quite tricky to match the right angle and lighting with our references, especially the package falling shot and high-angle shot. Though we needed more accurate lighting and more experiments with camera angles, we were able to get as close visuals as we wanted. One another fun thing was that I had to be an actor for our project this time because we couldn't recruit an actor. It was a fun experience, but we are all clear that we should have an actor before our next shooting which will be next Monday (Oct 21).
​Wyatt created the video, and each responsibilities per teammate were marked in the video :)
​I was still working on the asteroid FX, and Wyatt will integrate meteor FX into the post-process instead of putting it in the background.
I finally figured out what specifically was causing the slow performance. The collision itself is an expensive aspect of Unreal Engine and I had a ridiculous number for detecting the neighbor particles so it took a long time to process it. When I reduced the number of neighbor particles, it got so much faster!
Additionally, I got other nut meshes and all the textures created by my teammate Duck. Once I applied them, finally it looked way better than before. Wyatt adjusted the lighting in my scene so that it brightens up the meshes without highlighting the light reflection.​

The other problem was that the asteroid FX is only shown when I get close to it. After I went through the forum, I enabled camera distance culling, changed max distance draw number in LOD, extended bounds size, but none of them were working. Thankfully, Professor Gaynor was able to help me with it and found out it was actually a matter of focal length of camera setting.

​I added an HDR with the matte painting created by Duck, but the background will be combined during compositing in the post-process phase because the HDR is animated exr files. I used one of the stacks just to see how it will look after all are integrated. After applying the texture and adjusting the camera, it got very close to the reference. I still need to adjust the rotating speed and size of the ring and meshes itself, though. I am so excited about our final shooting and can't wait to see all of our work put together at the final! :)